Thursday, April 15, 2010

I really hope you can stop asking if i am alright, zh and yh, cause if i say yes i am really ok. If not, i dont want to tell you why i am not ok. I know you think you are being nice, but its really irritating, so pls. stop it.
Regarding why i am not ok. seriously man. Do you really believe the reason? Comon zihui, cant u think before posting this? "1 come and another go, what is this supposed to mean? i guess, i'm just too excited in the fiat place that's why it ends up this way." I mean can't you think what you did wrong? Instead of venging your anger on facebook? You told me to call frens, and i did. Now you want me to lie to them, about it being canceled, what am i supposed to say to them? and you, did not seek my opinion before asking juntat. I mean, this shows how inconsiderate to your friends you are.
After all this, if i could still go, i will be amazed by myself. So please, you are in no position to be angry now, cause you were the one who caused the problems.
So please, fuck off.

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