Friday, April 30, 2010

great people, great friends. i hope this can last. :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

i miss you.

i am jealous. i am selfish. jealous about what i saw during assembly today. selfish that i only want you for myself.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

when i am unhappy with something or someone, i will emo. -.-

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I really hope you can stop asking if i am alright, zh and yh, cause if i say yes i am really ok. If not, i dont want to tell you why i am not ok. I know you think you are being nice, but its really irritating, so pls. stop it.
Regarding why i am not ok. seriously man. Do you really believe the reason? Comon zihui, cant u think before posting this? "1 come and another go, what is this supposed to mean? i guess, i'm just too excited in the fiat place that's why it ends up this way." I mean can't you think what you did wrong? Instead of venging your anger on facebook? You told me to call frens, and i did. Now you want me to lie to them, about it being canceled, what am i supposed to say to them? and you, did not seek my opinion before asking juntat. I mean, this shows how inconsiderate to your friends you are.
After all this, if i could still go, i will be amazed by myself. So please, you are in no position to be angry now, cause you were the one who caused the problems.
So please, fuck off.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

fuck you

Yes. i am here to scold someone. Fuck you Zhixiang . You better keep in mind what i say to you. What i dont like people to do to me. So stop fucking irritating me. Seriously man, you are irritating me a lot. So, fuck off.
i cant believe it. i just created a blog? i guess i did. anyway, this blog will be mostly about rants. So when i feel like scolding people, i will be here. I wont tag anyone obviously, cause i do not want anyone to ask me in school, " zhenjun, what happened yesterday?" so , i am trying to keep this blog as private as possible. Ok. shall keep this first post short. Bye.